Flexible catalog integration, high-performing ads
More than just a product catalog: Kevel accepts all kinds of listings, from hotels, to jobs, to deals, we adapt to your schema, not the other way around. Integrate your products or listings with Kevel for a quick and easy sponsored listings launch.

Create any sponsored product ad or listing in minutes
A setup tailor-made for your ad ops team.
Custom filtering
Create the right filters and setup internally for your brand to make it easy for ad ops to create ads.
Unique ad ops view
Customize your catalog view to make it seamless with your ad ops flow.
Simple setup
Integrate your catalog as-is without needing to restructure it to a rigid schema.
Retail media reporting
Unlock retail-specific reporting metrics that showcase ROI, ROAS, and GMV.
Boost your sponsored listings performance
Using powerful data integrations with your catalog-created ads.

Import relevancy and machine learning modeling into catalog-powered sponsored listings.
Boost incrementality, new-to-brand, and ROAS metrics with high-performing ads created from your catalog.

Enhance catalog-powered ad revenue with optimized auctions
Simply integrate your catalog with Kevel’s ad server for enhanced auctions, driving more revenue for you and sales for your advertisers.

Easily integrate your catalog with a custom-label self-serve portal for scalable demand
Your catalog can power direct-sold or scalable sponsored listings with long-tail self-serve ad revenue.
“When looking at all our markets, Kevel was very attractive. It had an ad server with all of the foundational features, but because it was API-based, [Kevel] really stood out as a way for us to get to market faster.”
Ready to get started?
Talk to an ad platform expert about how to scale your marketplace’s ad business.